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A 2017 survey found that 1 in 7 girls and young women in the UK didn't know what was happening when they got their first period. 1 in 4 stated that they felt unprepared for the beginning of menstruation.

All the puberty education you need to understand periods & support your daughter.

Enjoy the 4 week comprehensive program to support you as a parent, carer, grandparent, teacher or mentor of a young woman. Gain lifetime access and support through the Cycle Wise Parents online community. 

Purchase Now

How to feel confident talking to girls (& boys!) about periods without feeling awkward.

This is not about giving you a script…but rather arming you with the wonder and magic of how the female body works and dispelling the myths and misconceptions about periods to give you the confidence to have meaningful and empowering conversations about puberty and beyond with your children. 

Hi! I'm Sara.

Welcome to the Cycle Wise Parents

Online Course & Community.

Lifetime Access.

Purchase Now

This course is for you if:

  • You want to understand the very real benefits that menstruation provides young women
  • You want to be a source of true support for them around this important topic in the their lives
  • You don't want her education to come from elsewhere, namely fashion magazines and the all-to-common narrative that tells them that periods are annoying, a nuisance and it’s just something that we have to put up with as women.
  • You are looking for quality period education resources 
  • You want to be done with awkward conversations!

A young woman who truly knows her cycle, has a life-long foundation that will support her in every aspect of life there-after.

In this online course you will learn:

  • ALL about the female body
  • How the female body works
  • About the history of menstruation and how this affects us all
  • About changes during puberty
  • The importance of cycles & being cycle wise
  • The foundational principles of hormones
  • Why your understanding and appreciation of the female body is key in supporting your daughter
  • About empowerment and what this means for young women today
  • And so much more!

For a girl to grow into a woman with the understanding and appreciation of her body and cycle, is the greatest and most valuable support she could ask for. 

Cycle Wise Parents

This course is a golden opportunity for you to not only support your daughter and the young people in your life on all things menstruation...but for you to renew your own relationship with this topic that may have been tainted along the way. The myths and misconceptions around this topic are very thick and still surround us even today in our modern & so-called progressive society. 

I'm ready!

Complete Modules in your own time

Each week you will be able to access the next module to view in your own time, making this course super accessible for everyone.

Expert Support

You will have access to Sara via the discussion section in each module and Facebook community, in addition to the already comprehensive course content.

This is the most comprehensive puberty education program available to support parents and carers to understand all things menstruation and to feel confident speaking on this topic to the young people in their lives. 



Joost Blom

Builder & Father, NSW - Australia

I had a limited understanding of the menstrual cycle but the content of the course now has given me a thorough understanding of what actually happens in the body during this cycle which is essential knowledge for any woman and any parent wanting to support their daughter.

Key benefits from this course

  • Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the female body.
  • Be able to communicate free(er) of the stigma that surrounds this topic.
  • Gain confidence in speaking to your daughter all things menstruation.
  • Feel equipped to answer questions on this topic.
  • Feel more at ease rather than awkward when talking about periods.

Vanessa McHardy 

Psychotherapist & Mother, New Zealand

I would say it’s actually crucial to do this course if you want to truly support your self in deepening your relationship with your cycle / to be cycle wise - I love that term - and then be able to share with young people from that place of discovery and wonderment at how awesome our bodies are.

What's in the course content?

Module 1

This module takes a deep dive in to the history of menstruation and how society has shaped our beliefs around it. It is very exposing and revealing as to the extent of the lies around women's bodies.

Module 2

In this module we explore the female body and how it works, in the depth it deserves. Enjoy learning about the changes from puberty and beyond. 


Module 3

In this module we look at hormones and how they intricately and very precisely support a woman's body. Hormones are very beautiful in the way they communicate and teach us about cycles. 

Module 4

This module shines light on the conditions that women can experience with their menstrual cycle and hormonal health, along with the varying methods of possible treatment.

BONUS - Module 5

This module is about all the practical things! We look at what is 'normal', period products and the options and benefits for a young woman in charting her cycle. 

BONUS - Module 6

In this module we explore the topic of empowerment and how it has been corrupted when it comes to all things menstruation. As well as all things on how to support our girls and boys. 

Cycle Wise Parents

This is your comprehensive, all-in-one, one-stop puberty education for parents course to provide a foundation on all things periods and supporting your daughter. 

Purchase Now

Who will most benefit from the Cycle Wise Parents Course?

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Teachers
  • Carers
  • And anyone with young people in their lives!

Full Payment


One-time payment

  • 4 Modules + 2 Bonus Modules
  • Access to complete library of 22+ video lessons
  • Lifetime access to all course materials
  • Access to Sara through discussion in each module
  • Invitation to join Cycle Wise Parents Facebook Community

Payment Plan


For 2 months

  • 4 Modules + 2 Bonus Modules
  • Access to complete library of 22+ video lessons
  • Lifetime access to all course materials
  • Access to Sara through discussion in each module
  • Invitation to join Cycle Wise Parents Facebook Community

Hi! I'm Sara.

I am the founder of Follow Your Flow and the Cycle Wise Education Courses. As the developer and facilitator of this course, I am super excited to welcome you here. This course is designed to support you, to support your children on all things periods. An education we all need, want & deserve. 

If you're ready for it...let's go!

Sara xo

ps. If you want to know more about me, you can head over to this page

Adolescence is an important, foundational period of life…as is the menstrual cycle. The benefits in understanding and connecting to this are far-reaching and life-long. And brings an enrichment to life you simply do not want to skip over.